Continuous Production with Digital-First Maintenance

SeeNous’s Remote Condition Monitoring Platform Advances Data Processing for CM Experts & Accelartes Failures Diagnosis.

AI in Condition Monitoring

SeeNous can revolutionise maintenance and promote experts engagement and accessibility, to relieve overburdened maintenance systems.

Fast Failure Diagnosis

Vibration-based diagnosis & suggested corrective action of equipment failures with a combination of AI and human experts.

Repair Time Suggestion

Suggesting the necessary corrective action to fix the equipment failure and the best time to do it.

How do we support Factory Production?

We help CM experts to identify equipment failures in the shortest possible time.


Cloud Access to Data and Reports

Our technology collects real-world equipment data remotely. It connects equipment and experts, enables greater access to monitoring from any location and improves efficiency for CM experts. Data can be entered manually from various vibration data collectors.


Integration to Equipment History

Integrating all data and insights generated by experts and artificial intelligence in one platform. Access the historical data of your equipment seamlessly. Have all your data, information and analysis in the condition monitoring process chain in an integrated manner.


Better insights, Smarter Care

3D models similar to equipment helping experts build a more comprehensive picture of a equipment’s condition. We support expert decision-making with real-time visibility of equipment data through a web-based portal. The portal features threshold-based flagging systems, trend & 3D visualization.


See what people have to say about us

Alireza Rezaei

APSA Company

High accuracy in failure detection!

Diagnosis with high accuracy the failure of rotating equipment as well as suggesting corrective measures to eliminate defects is one of the remarkable features of SeeNous for me.


We’re global

We are not constrained by geography — for many roles at SeeNous, our brilliant team can choose to work wherever they have an Internet connection. Our HQ is located in Mashhad Innovation Factory, Iran.